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Good-bye Saturday Market

With a few tears and a full heart, I submitted my resignation to Portland Saturday Market on April 1, 2024.

I have been growing in great strides with my workshops and retreats. I need to make more space, especially on weekends, to focus on teaching and leading creative experiences.

I will still do select markets and street fairs around the region. I am also designing online opportunities to stay engaged with my growing audience who are spread out all over the United States and beyond.

Let me tell you what is weirding me out right now ::: without intending to, I submitted my letter of resignation to the market on the five year anniversary of submitting my resignation to the factory I left to build this creative life. I posted to my socials on April 1, 2019 :

I would be a fool to ignore that which pulses inside of me.

It is a strong and steady pulse to teach more and give presentations and lead retreats as much as I can. As I turn 60 this year the leading question in my mind has been :

How may I serve others best with who I am and what I offer ?

I know I serve others well with the art I offer... what I know I do best though is to inspire through teaching and writing. I have a thousand ideas of how to do that more. Letting go of the commitment to Portland Saturday Market will allow more space for me to focus on these goals.

The idea of ending my time at Saturday Market has been like a faint train whistle for a while. That sound became clear as I prepared to teach a sold out afternoon workshop. I shared with the students who were there that it was time for me to take my own medicine, the advice I have doled out to many who wrestle with how to achieve their desires : you have to let go of the life you're living in order to build the life you want.

This is a hard goodbye for me. Even though I was not a part of Portland Saturday Market for very long, I was welcomed with such wide open arms and felt the magic deep in my bones.

I am honored to have been a part of this market. Now it's time to move on to make space for more teaching, writing and leading retreats both online and in-person. ONWARD!



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© 2024 by Pamela Sue Johnson

   Vancouver, Washington 



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