Foolish Dreamer

Be Your Dream, mixed-media acrylic on board (SOLD)
Dream the Dreams you held hostage and forbidden
Imagine the Unimaginable
Indulge your creative curiosities
You are not yet done breathing
So therefore
Be Your Dream
This original work sold sometime ago. These words are so good for me to revisit.
Dreams are not reserved for only the privileged. There are no pre-reqs needed to dream and scheme and realize. There is no age limit or IQ threshold.
I like to provoke forgotten dreams buried under the clutter of doubt and fear. In this way I am a catalyst at times for those who need some catalystic energy to remember who they are and what they really want. We gotta go after it while we are still breathing.
Our breaths are numbered. Our days are numbered.
Today is what we got. So dream the dream and be a fool.
Watch me be a fool again as I chase yet another dream that defies logic and common sense : I am on the road for 9 weeks traveling solo across the United States.
Only one way to find out how this is gonna go! I am a dreaming fool of a woman with a wellspring of creative energy.