Artist in Residence in the Desert

While I was in Vegas (my hometown) having an extended time with my mom at my childhood home, I submitted a proposal to the Desert National Wildlife Refuge. When I was a teenager, my sister and I worked one summer in the Youth Conservation Corps at Corn Creek, one of the main sites for the refuge which sprawls over a million acres across the Mojave Desert.
I had not been back in years to Corn Creek. When I decided to visit, I discovered they have an Artist in Residence program. I decided to apply and submitted a proposal.
I am THRILLED to my bones that it was approved!
My dates of residence are Oct 21 - Nov 18. This works out soooo good. I submitted those dates since I will already be down in the desert. I'm heading back to Wasteland Weekend and after that I'll spend two weeks in Utah doing a very special commission artwork.
Doing this will cause some disruption to my income for though housing is provided on site, there is no compensation for this type of residency. I will be living on the refuge with opportunity to visit other refuge sites as well as the back country. I may also be given approval to have overnight stays at other sites in order to explore and connect to the vast diversity this refuge offers in the Mojave Desert.
I Will Need Support so I have set up a Go Fund Me. This is the second time in my life I have ever launched a crowdfundraiser. (the first was to help me install my first mural at the local mall)
>>All Go Fund Me contributions will only be for the Residency,
not any of my other desert wanderings<<
My heart and mind are feeling the winds of change gusting up around my life.
I have a knowing that somehow this four-weeks residency is going to shape my life far beyond this small window of time.
If my work as a fulltime creative resonates with you, consider giving any amount to help fund my residency. All the details about that are at the link below.
To have four focused weeks of creativity inspired and informed by this Desert Wildlife Refuge is an opportunity I could not ever have imagined... until I did.
It is happening, this life of creative inspiration that I hoped to create, I am Living it.